Disclosure Requirements

Statewide Assessment Program Policy

National Highway Safety Administration, LLC (NHSA) is a provider of virtual driver education coursework.  As such, we will partner closely with school districts who wish to expand virtual offerings.   We work with highly qualified teachers and offer best in class content for learners.  In accordance with our agreement with the Florida State Department of Education, all students in Florida must participate in Florida's Statewide Assessment Program. Schools and districts that partner with NHSA will coordinate testing location and dates/times to ensure their students participate.  National Highway Safety Administration, LLC (NHSA) understands that our school/district partners issue credit and maintain statewide testing data.  NHSA offers End of Course (EOC) assessments for grading purposes and these scores can be transferred to a learners’ school/district partner to ensure course credits are applied and to maintain statewide testing data. NHSA is familiar with the DOE Information Database Requirements as set out in Volume 1 -- AUTOMATED STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. NHSA data analysts and programming experts understand the requirements of data types, lengths, and format requirements for electronic data interchange processes with external sources, such as the F.A.S.T.E.R system. NHSA will fully cooperate with schools and districts with whom we partner to share data and to ensure maximum student participation.  In accordance with the Florida Automated System for Transferring Educational Records (F.A.S.T.E.R)[1], NHSA has the capacity to provide necessary information to school districts in a timely fashion so that state data reporting requirements related to student information, funding and accountability can be met.  NHSA will cooperate with F.A.S.T.E.R guidelines and ensure district partners have all the information needed for students to participate in the correct tests during the assessment windows throughout the school year (see 2016-2017 timeline below).  Although National Highway Safety Administration will contribute to and be active in this process, it is up to the school/district partner to disseminate information about assessments to their students and to arrange testing location(s) for those students taking online courses with NHSA.  This responsibility will be outlined in partnership contract documents.

Florida Statewide Assessment Program 2020-2021 Schedule

Florida Standards Assessments for Students and Families

[1] F.A.S.T.E.R