7 Ways to Drive Safe on Halloween

While most people associate Halloween with candy, costumes, and nighttime fun, there’s also a scary side to the holiday that people rarely consider. It is an especially dangerous time for children who are out on the streets. Why is Halloween such a dangerous time for children? On that day, young ones start to fill the sidewalks in the late afternoon. Depending on the neighborhood, they may still be pushing doorbells and collecting candy well into the night. In their excitement to get the best treats, they are less aware of the vehicles around them.

Driving and Coffee - Do They Mix?

Driving and Coffee - Do They Mix? There’s a day to celebrate almost everything, and since 2015 there’s been a day to celebrate coffee. On October 1, International Coffee Day, events take place in 54 countries around the world, from Africa to Canada and Indonesia to Colombia. Why should we focus on coffee for a whole day? Not only to share our love of the dark brew but also to bring attention to the role of men and women who work hard to cultivate those beans we so appreciate. Many drivers are quite eager to celebrate caffeine. Caffeine can be the boost that keeps a person alert behind the wheel.

World Tourism Day - What Tourism Means for Drivers

World Tourism Day – What Tourism Means for Drivers. Do you love to travel by personal vehicle when on vacation? Road trips are an excellent way to see new sights. When traveling by car or truck you can stop and get an in-depth look at the many small communities you pass through. You can enjoy off-the-beaten-path adventures that would have never happened if you simply flew by plane over those areas.

How to Get Your Pennsylvania Driver's License

Ready to get your Pennsylvania Driver's License? Check out our Online Pennsylvania Driver's Education course. The State of Pennsylvania uses three-stage graduated driver licensing program for all new drivers under the age of 18. This means that if you are under 18 you need to complete all three stages before you can receive your unrestricted driver's license.

International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is an unusual holiday, and the start of it was even more unusual. Way back in 1995 two guys, John Baur and Mark Summers, were playing ball one day, and to jazz up the game they started talking back and forth to each other like pirates. There was no rhyme or reason to it – they were just having some fun. Unbeknownst to the world, they decided to make it a national holiday – at least for themselves! In total obscurity, they celebrated it every year on September 19.

Safely Sharing the Road with School Buses

Did you know that school buses are far safer than the other vehicles on the road? The government sets all kinds of regulations about what kind of vehicle can be used to transport school students, how that vehicle is built, how many people can ride on the bus, and where they should be sitting. And it is a good thing these regulations are set - the result is that there are relatively few student fatalities each year.

Back to School! 5 Tips for Safe Driving

Safer Drivers, Safer Children - Back to School Driving Tips The summer heat is still at full blast and the memories of your summer vacation may still be fresh in your mind. However, as you drive down the road enjoying the afternoon breeze there may be something you’ve forgotten during these golden summer months: school zones. Yes, schools are opening again. For drivers, that means remembering that children that will be making their daily trips to and from class.

Heatstroke Awareness Day - July 31

How to Save a Child on Heatstroke Awareness Day Over the last 20 years, nearly 800 children in the United States have died of heatstroke in vehicles. To help save children across the country, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has declared July 31 National Heatstroke Awareness Day.

July is Vehicle Theft Prevention Month

July is National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month. However, is there really a need to be concerned about vehicle theft? Yes! In the United States, a motor vehicle is stolen every 41 seconds. That amounts to more than 750,000 drivers around the country that get their vehicles stolen every year. No doubt you want to keep your vehicle safe. So, what should you know?

10 Ways to Cope with Summer Weather

The long days of summer are here! Gone are the days of freezing temperatures, dreaded black ice, and the blizzards of winter that can make driving hazardous. However, don’t underestimate the challenges of dealing with summer weather while on the road. The blistering summer sun can vehicles, drivers, and passengers – and even the family pet! Here are 10 smart ways to cope with summer weather. Expect the unexpected While you can’t change the weather, you can be prepared to deal with it.